Dos quadrinhos para as telas! | Invencível | Prime Video

Dos quadrinhos para as telas! | Invencível | Prime Video

Eu sei que você já parou para pensar o quão semelhante a animação de Invencível é dos quadrinhos e o co-criador Robert Kirkman vai te contar tudo sobre isso!

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[Music] One of the fun things about the show is That the show is kind of like a second Pass of the comic book series for me It's almost like the second draft I Never did we try to keep things like Fairly faithful and and we're trying to Make sure that the comic book fans that Come into the show are getting to Experience the things that they experien In the comics and kind of see them Elevated and animated and and and Expanded but you know we're trying to Like turn the screws at all times to Like amp things up to make things more Exciting more visceral like like more Heartbreaking more violent at times and You know the guardian's death in the Comic book is such a quick scene and we Turned it into this like massively long Event that you really see everything That happens to the Guardians and in Gory detail and it really shows you the Weight of what it is that omn man is Doing and it really elevates that scene In the way that we're trying to do you Know expanding Titans scenes and really Kind of getting into a little bit more Of his relationship with Machine Head And and really spending a lot more time With that character is something that uh Made that episode kind of stand on its Own in a cool way and and and made the Titan character somebody that we really

Want to see more of similarly taking all Of the ranan scenes and combining them Into one episode kind of made that feel Like it was more of an event because in The comic books it takes place over a Long span of time we're going to be Keeping subplots in the show But uh we are going to be moving things Around and streamlining things and that Kind of stuff continues into season 2 And season 3 and hopefully [Music] Beyond

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